Harimau Sumatera

Harimau Sumatera

Hasil gambar untuk harimau sumatera

Kingdom   :   Animalia
Filum         :  Chordata
Class          :  Mamalia
Ordo          :  Carnivora
Family       :  Felidae
Genus        :  Panthera
Spesies      :  P. tigris

Is a tiger subspecies whose original habitat on the island of Sumatra, is one of six tiger subspecies that still survive to date and is included in the classification of critically endangered species (critically endangeredin the red list of endangered species released by the IUCN World Conservation Society. The wild population is estimated between 400-500 tiger, mainly living in national parks in Sumatra. Harimau Sumatera is the smallest tiger subspecies. Sumatran tiger has the darkest color among all other tiger subspecies, its black pattern is wide and the meeting distance is sometimes attached. The male Sumatran tiger has an average length of 92 inches from head to tail or about 250 cm in length from head to toe weighing 300 pounds or about 140 kg, while the height of the adult male can reach 60 cm. Females on average have a length of 78 inches or about 198 cm and weighs 200 pounds or about 91 kg. Tiger tiger dwarfs are thinner than other tiger subspecies. Sumatran tiger skin color is the darkest of all tigers, ranging from reddish yellow to dark orange. 

Sumatran tiger can breed anytime. The pregnancy period is about 103 days. Usually the female tiger gives birth to 2 or 3 tiger cubs at once, and at most 6 tails. The eyes of the new tiger child are open on the tenth day, although the tiger child in the zoo is recorded with open eyes. Tiger children only drink their mother's milk for the first 8 weeks. After that they can try solid foods, but they still suckle for 5 or 6 months. The cubs first leave the nest at the age of 2 weeks, and learn to hunt at the age of 6 months. They can hunt alone at the age of 18 months, and by the age of 2 years the tiger can stand on its own. Sumatran tiger can live for 15 years in the wild, and 20 years in captivity.

source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harimau_sumatera


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