Is Public Transportation Good For Us? In Indonesia there is an unique public transportation called "angkot". It is a modified SUV that turned into a public transportation wich can accommodate 6 to 10 people. Usually can be found in variety colors depending on the destination. Even tough it's unique, but it's still dangerous. Angkot drivers have unstable thinking. They always drive speed. They are easily affected by the other drivers and don't care with passenger safety. Many people died due to being hit by this public transportation. In addition angkot also often stops suddenly wich endangers other drivers. They always refute when they are blamed even when they are clearly wrong. It's makes the other drivers feel angry and trigger a fight on the road. Also, angkot driver's usually doesn't have a driving liscense. It proves that they cannot fully drive the vechile. So they are dangerous. Angkot is good for people who don't have...